"How do people make it through life without a sister?" Sara Corpening
I want to say this is true for anyone at all who knows something about sisters.
Having a sister, born in a family is a friend given you as decided by God. One you love unconditionally and forever. Why? Because she is my sister...
The kinship that ties you together by the deepest of souls forshe is you and you are her and yet unique to your own. Why... because she is my sister...
I remember my mom asking me and my little sister when we were young, why can you get along and be friends? My mother had no sister, and knew to the well the gift my sister and I held. We are the best of friends. Why? Because she is my sister...
Having a sister, given to you by the call is another grace given by God. For all the same reasons she is with you in vowed life as is your new monastic sibling. She is yours because you need her and she needs you. Funny how hard and easy it is to take on sixty new sisters as your own, whether or not you want them to be nonetheless, they become and are your sisters.
She is my monastic born sister, a Benedictine learner much like you through and through.
She, this new member of you life-like your natural born sister sees your features and flaws and still loves you too. I claim them all, from the small, tall, perky, serious, quiet, boisterous, educated to the innocent, from old and to the young. God made these my sisters--sisters each and every one.
Yes, "How do people make it through life without a sister?"
Sister Kimberly Rose Prohaska, OSB
Amen! I had to become a monastic to acquire sisters. God knows what he/she is doing!
Hey there, so glad to be your sister in good times and bad. When are we going to grab that latte?
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